Friday, September 5, 2008

Hide 'n' SleekNot

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. ~Matthew 13:44


Rikki said...

You should submit these to

~CarolineNot said...

I ran over and took a look at the site. What great photos. ºÜº

Cousin Annie said...


Morgan said...

This was funny! Your whole blog is funny, and I love all the "____nots"! What inspired you to come up with the term?

~CarolineNot said...

Morgan, how nice to have you visit. I've been following (read: lurking at) your blog for a while, having come upon your mom's and linked from there. Always a pleasure to read your posts and enjoy your photos.

Inspiration for the negative attachments in my posts? If I wasn't so old, I might be able to remember. I could proffer some grandiose, poetical, highfalutin explanation, but it would be a big, fat lie.

Oh wait! Wait! I just remembered. (When I'm sixty-five, you're on your own.) It was about my screen name; desiring so to be a Caroline Ingalls, and so not measuring up. Then there's the part about my sarcastic sense of humor, but let's not go there -- it's so CarolineNot. Ü