Sunday, October 26, 2008

See See See See

It's time to start buying the ridiculous junk coveted prizes for the Thanksgiving games, which are part of our holiday tradition. Once or twice a year, we travel the 50 miles to Topeka (Toeeee.PEK.Ahhh) to shop, and we dragged SugarPlum with us Friday to cruise real stores, which mostly don't exist where we live. Target. Mmmm, Target.

So we were browsing the junk prize bins, when what to my blind wondering eyes did appear, but reading glasses! Color me greedy, but if you knew the struggle I have keeping track of my reading glasses, you'd cut me some slack. Just do. At $1 (one dollar) per pair, I indulged. INDULGED. I'm stylin' now.


How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee. ~Psalm 139:17, 18


Janie said...

I love these! Especially the ones with the little jewel rhinestone thingies!

Rikki said...

love the rhinestones (look! Aunt Vickie really does want to be like me when she grows up!) ;-)

Morgan said...

Cute specs! :D Good deals are a pleasant surprise...
This year I got glasses, and they get lost all the time. A week after I got them I lost the case, and didn't find it till a week ago!!! I was so happy to find them, and I wish I didn't misplace things so much. I love the pair of glasses is black with rhinesones on the earpieces.

Cousin Annie said...

OK, so I'm different...I like the rhinestones, but the blue speckledy ones are my pick. I can relate to what a bargain those were as I'm at that "reading glasses" stage now, too. Might as well be a "stylin'" ol' woman!!! :)