There's the part about me accidentally expunging my entire blog template a few mornings ago, and I told Zoomer I wasn't going to mention it, but everyone should know my fuzzy, morning head just isn't with it, and it's too bad there was no one around to snap a shot of my face when I realized I'd pushed the wrong button. What have I done now!? All those tweaks I'd made in the canned template's html, and now the whole stinkin' thing was completely evaporated, a different template was in its place, and my blog looked Pathetic. (note the capital "p")
Then there's the part about our computer going berserk, and twice now I've answered, "No," when Charles asked if we need to buy a new one. I must be crazier than the computer.
All I wanted to do this morning was download photos from the camera, which is supposed to prompt the Olympus software to open when I plug it in ... but noooo. First it has to say it's going to install the printer. You know, the printer that's been installed and fully operational for two years now. Then it'll open Olympus. NOT. This time, after it stopped trying to install the installed printer, it decided to go to a file in drive G. Drive G? Where'd that come from, and how many letters are there, assigned to holes in the back of that tower -- back where the spiders live and where my hands refuse to go.
I eventually teased, coaxed, rammed the computer brain into the Olympus menu, selected Transfer Photos, then From Camera, and the screen said 0 photos.
Don't you be lyin' to me! Look again!
I'll tell you what, I repeated the whole Installing Printer / Drive G: removable disk / tease-coax-ram / Transfer Photos / From Camera process two more times, before I accidentally hit the Browse Photos button, instead of Transfer Photos. You think I'm kidding? At that point, my head started hurting, because the camera's little green battery light had been taunting me for many minutes already: "You're sucking the life out of us." Now I'd poked the wrong button, and I was waiting for the October photo menu to load -- so I could close it -- when what I'd wanted was the transfer menu.
Imagine my mounting confusion, when the October photos appeared on the screen, and I saw thumbnails of my eggs which were supposedly sitting in the camera ... and some thumbnails of multiple-Great Grandma Margaret. How'd that happen!?
When Son3 decides he's going to download photos from the camera for the first time in his life, he should tell his poor, old mother, so she doesn't -- while he's comfortably sleeping -- needlessly wage war for ten minutes with a berserk computer. If he hadn't told me over the campfire last night that he was thinking of changing his blogger ID photo to a shot of Grandma Margaret (okay, our sense of humor is a tad odd), I might have run screaming from my seat this morning, when she appeared on the screen...near my eggs. Thankfully, he had told me about his plans for Great Grandma Margaret, so I was able to piece together what had happened ... well, except for the part about the incessant attempts to install the installed printer, and I'm never going to figure that out. He must have been serious about adopting Margaret's visage as his ID and photo'd her image in the opening pages of "The _____ of Kansas," a family history book; then he downloaded the photos. Poor Margaret. Poor me.
Okay, with all of that off my chest and having dizzied the reader, here are the eggs which made me smile:
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: that in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. ~Ephesians 2:4-9
I hope I didn't cause too much of a kerfuffle.
What price humor?
Get me me pipe!
This was a funny post! I was feeling dizzy while I read about the picture downloading "go-around". :D
Love the new blog look, and I laughed out loud when I saw the pictures of your novice eggs! I think I remember having that happen with one of my laying hens I used to have. It was always slightly disappointing!
Hope you're having a good day! :D
I have a love/hate relationship with computers, and have to say I don't even know how to download photos from our digital camera. In fact, I don't even know how to turn on the digital camera. If I had to take a picture of something and my kids weren't here I would end up having to use a paper and pencil and sketching it because I wouldn't be able to figure out the digital camera at all. I am not stupid...just technologically challenged. I can open an email and blog a little....and google things. But that's it.
I have a new blog if you want to check it out. I haven't been writing much Zoo material...have alot of other things on my mind!!
You're entitled to a Scarlett O'Hara moment in time and can think about things Zooish and technical "tomorrow." If we knew how to operate all those things, we'd have to...operate all those things. Smart. Very smart.
Love the new blog and am eager to watch it develop. ºÜº
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