Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Recital


The Wardrobe Malfunction

Colorado Christian University

We traveled to the Denver area on Friday to be present at OAO Son-in-Law's music recital and were treated that evening to an hour-long showcasing of his multiple musical talents: acoustic guitar solo, commercials, scored independent films, jazz band compositions, classical scores, and more.

At the close of the captivating program, and while receiving his well-earned applause, OAO SIL left the stage, swept his wife into his arms, and carried her back to the stage to stand beside him. Little Loo stood beaming with approval of her talented husband, while the audience continued to applaud.

Nice little number Loo was wearing that evening. Floaty, silky... slippery little dress. So when she tilted her head to gaze admiringly into the face of her husband, a full foot taller than she, that slippery little dress slipped right off of her shoulder. This is Little Loo, still hanging her head in shame during the reception.

OAO SIL felt okay about the wardrobe malfunction.

I think Dr. Eychaner, the professor hosting the event at Colorado Christian University, was aghast.

So we rushed Dr. Eychaner to the reception table Little Loo had prepared and fed him a cracker.

Dr. Eychaner felt better then.

OAO SIL was happy, reflecting upon the evening as the reception drew to a close. Little Loo was still thinking about her dress falling off. Poor Little Loo.

I will praise the name of God with a song,
and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30

Postscript: If anyone is so suffering from boredom as to be reading this a second time, and said poor soul notices a marked change in paragraph two, thus comes my confession that failing memory or inattentiveness caused me to tell a big, fat lie. Okay, sort of a little lie. Well, it wasn't really a lie at all. I can't tell you why I didn't remember McKrunk carrying McSpazzy to the stage, but I didn't. Maybe I was still recovering from the 5-minute drive to the hotel, which took us 55 minutes to accomplish. Maybe I'll never recover from that fiasco.

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